Beyond the valley of intermediate competence

Replacing for loops part 2

Earlier this year I wrote about learning to forego for loops for apply functions in R. I’m continuing this journey to replace for loops with purrr. I’ll be honest and say that my main motivation for learning purrr is the package name 🐱. purrr is a package that does the same things as mapply and lapply; to apply a function over listed data and also has useful functions for manipulating lists and functional programming.

Objectively, the functionality of purrr is not that different to base functions. There’s an understandable learning curve and resulting benefit when going from for loops to apply functions, but there’s diminishing return on going from apply to purrr unless you fully leverage the shortcuts of tidyverse syntax (which I have not). The main advantage of purrr is that it uses the tidyverse syntax and pipes. Overall, I don’t think there’s a huge benefit for using purrr over base, unlike for example the advantages of using ggplot2 over base for graphing, but if your code is already written in tidyverse then it makes sense to stick to it and have clear and consistent code (if you are used to reading tidyverse syntax).

If you really want to stay on the tidyverse train you can skip learning apply and jump straight to purrr but I’m a fan of using as fewer dependencies as possible and knowing the base R way. There are lots of detailed tutorials about purrr and it’s functions, like this one that discusses the differences with base functions so I recommend checking those out. If you’re already familiar with the tidyverse syntax then purrr is no different.

Here are some things I’ve learnt about purrr for applying functions to listed data.


lapply takes one argument (data) and applies a function to it. As I found earlier, it’s quite a simple case and doesn’t suit more complex datasets I usually work with. The purrr equivalent is map.

One of the advantages of purrr is that it you can specify the format of the output. That is, lapply and map takes a list and produces a list, but map_* where * are a range of output types will give that output type. For example, map_chr will take a list and produce a character vector. This is handy because it skips an intermediate step to transform your resulting list into your desired output format, such as using to turn a list into a data frame.

An example

Let’s use the same code as the previous post:

# some data to use as a list
loop_data <- data.frame(col1 = c(11:15), col2 = c(20:24))

# define variable to change
a <- seq(0.2, 1, 0.2)

As before, loop_data is a data frame with two numeric columns (col1 & col2). We technically won’t use loop_data$col2 but it’s there to create a 5x2 data frame. a is a variable that we need for our function with 5 values.

We want to add each element of a to loop_data$col1 and save that in a new column loop_data$col1a. We will also add a as a column in loop_data just so we can keep track of which value was used to calculate col1a. So the final output should have 25 rows (5 observations in loop_data x 5 values of a) and 4 columns (col1, col2, col1a, a).

Now let’s use map to do the same thing we did with lapply but using tidyverse and pipes 🛁

loop_data %>% 
  expand_grid(., a) %>% # expand to include all crossed combinations
  group_split(a) %>% # split into lists by the value of a for nested lists
  map_dfr(., function(x){
    x$col1a <- x$col1 + x$a
    }) %>% # apply the function to the list and return a data frame
  summary(.) # show the summary
##       col1         col2          a           col1a     
##  Min.   :11   Min.   :20   Min.   :0.2   Min.   :11.2  
##  1st Qu.:12   1st Qu.:21   1st Qu.:0.4   1st Qu.:12.4  
##  Median :13   Median :22   Median :0.6   Median :13.6  
##  Mean   :13   Mean   :22   Mean   :0.6   Mean   :13.6  
##  3rd Qu.:14   3rd Qu.:23   3rd Qu.:0.8   3rd Qu.:14.8  
##  Max.   :15   Max.   :24   Max.   :1.0   Max.   :16.0

If you’re not familiar with piping this is what’s happening:

  1. The first line is specifying our list loop_data to be sent down the pipe (%>%). Pipes are read sequentially and the output of one line is used as the input of the next line. This intermediate object is indicated by the dot (.). Sometimes the dot can be left out if the arguments are presented to the function in the expected order but I find it useful to type everything out when learning anyway so that it’s clear what the arguments are. The dot is particularly needed when using base functions within a pipe, as seen in the last line with summary(.) because these functions are expecting an argument that tidyverse functions know how to deal with.
  2. I use tidyr::expand_grid to create a data frame of all combinations of col1 and a. This has a benefit of adding a as a column.
  3. Then I use group_split to group the crossed data frame based on values of a. This produces a tibble which are essentially tidyverse lists. split is a base equivalent.
  4. Then I apply the actual function over the list and specify that I want the output to be a single data frame (the _dfr suffix). This is the equivalent of doing lapply and in the same function.
  5. Finally I use the base R function summary to show the summary statistics of the result to check it works. There isn’t a tidyverse equivalent of summary so we must use the dot within the function.

The end result is exactly the same as the original lapply code. Here is the lapply function from the previous post to compare:

# Prepare the answer list
lapply_ans <- replicate(length(a), loop_data, simplify = FALSE)

# add a column using mapply
lapply_ans <- mapply(FUN = cbind, lapply_ans, "a" = a, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

# apply function
lapply_ans <- lapply(lapply_ans, FUN = lapply_function)

# merge to single data frame
lapply_ans <-, lapply_ans)

# view the data

Side note: rerun(length(a), loop_data) behaves exactly the same as replicate(length(a), loop_data, simplify = FALSE) and is the tidyverse equivalent (unclear for how long according to the dev notes). Then you’ll need to add a as a column, matching the order of the tibble and set the column names, e.g. rerun(length(a), loop_data) %>% map2(a, bind_cols) %>% map(a=...3, rename).

The differences:

  • I’ve taken a slightly different approach. I define all possible combinations I want to use in the calculations then creating grouped lists.
  • I specified the function within the pipe rather than named in the global environment like in the original post. It’s better to name the function if you’re using it multiple times but in this post I’m only using it once, so I’ll get away with it.
    • map also allows formulas which for simple functions (like adding a constant to all values) will simplify the code and let you use anonymous functions. I’m not used to the formula method of writing functions.
  • Instead of 5 separate lines of code with the base version, in tidyverse we can do it in a pipe with 4 steps. But you notice that it’s not a huge difference between what the two approaches are doing. Still better than a for loop.
    • We skipped by using map_dfr directly to return a data frame. I could also use map and transform the list into a data frame separately.

And another thing…

We need to prepare the input data so that it is crossed; which mean replicating our list across all combinations of col1 and a. expand_grid or similar as used above could be helpful for this, and the data frame could be split into nested lists for applying the function.

To contrast, this will only add matching rows of col1 and a together rather than all combinations:

list(loop_data$col1, a) %>%
  pmap_dfr(function(x, a) {
  df <- data.frame(col1 = x,
                   a = a,
                   col1a = x + a) # add answer to a new column
##   col1   a col1a
## 1   11 0.2  11.2
## 2   12 0.4  12.4
## 3   13 0.6  13.6
## 4   14 0.8  14.8
## 5   15 1.0  16.0

Since map is the equivalent of lapply, then it also doesn’t take multiple inputs, which is why we added a as a column to loop_data. So we turn to mapply and its purrr equivalent.


The purrr equivalent of mapply is pmap. Specifically, pmap allows for any number of arguments for the function. There is another function, map2 that accepts exactly two arguments but pmap is generalised to allow for more than two. As with map, there are variants with suffixes that specify what output format you want, such as a data frame (pmap_dfr).

The tidyverse website goes into the syntax differences between mapply and pmap in more detail.

Let’s jump to the example using the same loop_function as the original post.


# A function to add a value a to a data frame x
loop_function <- function(x, a) {
  x$col1a <- x$col1 + a # add answer to a new column
  x$a <-  a

loop_data %>% 
  rerun(length(a), .) %>% # replicate the list to populate
  list(a) %>% # define all variables for loop_function within a list
  pmap_dfr(loop_function) %>% # apply the function to the list and return a data frame
  map_dfc(summary) # show the summary
## # A tibble: 6 x 4
##   col1    col2    col1a   a      
##   <table> <table> <table> <table>
## 1 11      20      11.2    0.2    
## 2 12      21      12.4    0.4    
## 3 13      22      13.6    0.6    
## 4 13      22      13.6    0.6    
## 5 14      23      14.8    0.8    
## 6 15      24      16.0    1.0

Now we don’t have to add a as a column to loop_data, we can specify a for the function. pmap takes a list of arguments for the function, hence we need a list containing both loop_data and a. Don’t make a list before adding it to the list of function arguments (i.e. double list) because it won’t match the nth a variable with the nth element in the loop_data list, and match by rows within lists. For variety, I’ve used map_dfc to call the function summary on the data, rather than summary(.). map_dfc will apply the function by columns instead of rows and produce a data frame.

The map2 equivalent is more concise than pmap for this simple example!

loop_data %>% 
  rerun(length(a), .) %>% 
  map2_dfr(a, loop_function)

Here is the original mapply example to compare:

# Prepare the answer list
mapply_ans <- replicate(length(a), loop_data, simplify = FALSE)
# mapply function
mapply_ans <- mapply(mapply_ans, FUN = loop_function, a = a, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
# merge to single data frame
mapply_ans <-, mapply_ans)
# view the data

You could also define loop_function as an anonymous function within pmap.

Make sure the variables are used in the correct order. e.g. loop_data %>% rerun(length(a), .) %>% map_dfr(loop_function, a) will run because you are passing a as a variable into loop_function, but it’s adding a by row within individual data frame rather than matching the nth element of the list. So it’s effectively replicating the data frame 5 times.

That’s it. There are many ways of doing the same thing with simple examples. Hope it helps you create purrrfectly sensible code to replace for loops and apply functions to lists.

Jacinta Kong
Postdoctoral Fellow

My research interests include species distributions, phenology & climate adaptation of ectotherms.

