Knitting an interactive document

Interactive functions don’t work with knitr

R has a neat interactive feature. You can write a script or a function that asks the user for input, like a number or a string, that can be used as a variable. I wrote about how this feature works in an interactive function last year. Interactive functions are neat for demonstrating how variables work in functions but aren’t practical for most uses.

One practical use for an interactive function I had recently was in a function to import multiple data files downloaded from a data logger. In this case, I wrote a generic function for importing the data because the structure of the data from the data logger (temperature, time, etc.) was consistent. Pretty standard stuff but the function asks the user where the files were located on the local drive. All files in the directory would be cleaned up and imported as a named list.

Now you could say that the interactive aspect is unnecessary and you would be right. But where would the fun in that be?

The importing function was saved as an R script (.R) and called in a Rmarkdown file using source() but there is a problem with this workflow. You can run an interactive session within an Rmarkdown file in a regular R session but you cannot knit it. By default, Rmarkdown does not permit an interactive R session while knitting. And that defeats the point of using Rmarkdown.

Fortunately, there is a workaround to get knitr to ask for the directory when knitting. We need to make some modifications to the YAML, setup chunk, and the importing function.


You might have seen the option to “Knit with Parameters” in the Knit menu in RStudio. Parameters are additional variables that are called when knitting. We can use parameters to tell knitr where to look for the files we are importing.

Here’s a generic YAML with a parameter (params) called folder and the directory of the files we want (data/subfolder). Note, no quotation marks in the address. The parameter folder is used like a regular variable in R when knitting.

title: "Title"
    df_print: paged
  folder: data/subfolder

In this example, the files we want are located in a folder called data and a sub-folder called subfolder within our RStudio directory. The address can be where ever you want and it could be a full address or a relative address. I’m using addresses relative to the working directory, specifically the project directory because I’m working within a project. You’ll see why this is important below.

Setting up directories

I like to use subdirectories within an RStudio project. For example, I will have a separate folder for scripts, files, figures and any other outputs within my RStudio project folder. However, this is not the default behaviour of knitr and causes some directory issues because knitr uses the source file directory (i.e. “/project/scripts/” folder because that’s where my Rmd file is saved) rather than the project directory (i.e. “/project/”).

So if I had the importing function (import_data.R) in the scripts sub-folder, then:

# Does not work when knitting, works in session

# Works when knitting, does not work in session

I would rather have the first option only because it makes more sense given my directory structure but this is a personal choice.

You can tell knitr to use the project directory when knitting in the setup chunk via:

knitr::opts_knit$set(root.dir = rprojroot::find_rstudio_root_file())

opts_knit sets the options for knitting and find_rstudio_root_file() is a helper function to get the root directory of the RStudio project (provided you are in one). This is instead of setwd().

The interactive function

Here’s a generic interactive function that will import all CSV files within a user-defined folder as a list called imported_files.

import_files <- function(){
  # Ask the user for the folder address
  folder_address <- ifelse(interactive() == TRUE,
                           readline("Enter relative folder address to working directory without quotation marks: "),
  # Complete relative address
  folder_address <- paste(getwd(), folder_address, sep = "/")

  # Get file names
  add.files <- list.files(folder_address, pattern=".csv", recursive = FALSE, full.names = TRUE)
  # Check the user has entered address properly
  if(identical(add.files, character(0))){ 
    message(paste("Address", folder_address, "has no files. Please try again.")) 
    return(import_files()) # Return to the beginning of the function and start again
  # Import file
  get.files <- lapply(add.files, read.csv)

# Return as list
imported_files <- import_files()

The important feature of the interactive function that makes it play nicely with knitr is the ifelse statement when asking for the folder our CSVs are saved in (folder_address).

In a regular R session that is interactive, the function will ask for the address (via readline) but when knitting (thus when interactive() is FALSE) the folder address is the address defined in the folder parameter (called via params$folder).

This is where the knitting parameters we defined earlier comes in. So when knitting the input is data/subfolder.

The main reason I use relative addresses is so that I don’t have to type out the full address. I recreate the full address from the working directory so that there is no ambiguity in the address.

Then, I have an if statement for checking the address and user input. An error message will appear if the address does not have any CSV files (checked using identical). It will print the address so you can check for typos.

Finally, the lapply function will load the CSVs as a list.


You need to use the “Knit with Parameters” option rather than the default Knit button (or a manual render). I’m focussing on HTML here. When you knit, a window will pop up asking you what to input for each parameter you’ve set in the YAML. Here, it’s asking what’s the input for folder. The window will say what you’ve set for folder by default (data/subfolder) or you can change it in the popup.

Is this really useful? Probably not and it wouldn’t be as reproducible, but we can do it because we can!

Setting knitr options globally

You can set opts_knit within your .Rprofile as a global option using options(knitr.package.root.dir = <address>) so that the root directory of your project is where your .Rproj file is by default:

# Always use project directory as root directory
if(class(try(rprojroot::find_rstudio_root_file(), silent = TRUE)) != "try-error"){
options(knitr.package.root.dir = rprojroot::find_rstudio_root_file())}

This if statement in your .Rprofile file will check if there is an Rproject file (.Rproj) using rprojroot::find_rstudio_root_file().

The function try is used in debugging to catch any error messages. silent = TRUE will suppress showing these error messages.

If you are not working in a project, then find_rstudio_root_file() will generate an error message. So, we can check if we have generated an error message (class should be a "try-error"). If there is an error message, we are not working in a project and we do not change any options (options(knitr.package.root.dir should be NULL).

If there is no error message, then find_rstudio_root_file() has found an .Rproj file and will change the root directory to that location.

Again, setting .Rprofile defaults creates dependencies in your code which may be convenient for you but not reproducible to others.

Other points

You could also have a project specific .Rprofile to your project root directory.

Parameters can be called anything and you can have any number of parameters. They only work when knitting. They don’t work in a regular session.

You can remove the last line of the importing function (imported_files <- import_files()) if you’d rather load the function into your Global Environment.

Jacinta Kong
Postdoctoral Fellow

My research interests include species distributions, phenology & climate adaptation of ectotherms.

